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Friends of Robert May's School
FoRMS: Friends of Robert May's School (Formerly PTFA)
FoRMS mission statement:
- We are Friends of Robert May’s School; everyone from the families of staff and students, to members of local communities and businesses.
- Our purpose is to help enhance the education, enjoyment and wellbeing of every student every day.
- Together we organise activities and raise funds for things students would otherwise be without.
Contact us:
Sarah Barlow:
Sarah de Ville Robinson:
Sarah Gooch:
Janice Clarkson Caris / Marie Gair:
Sarah Hodgkiss/Sarah Barlow:
Uniform Team:
Donate to FoRMS via Just Giving
Online shop / tickets for upcoming events
Forthcoming FoRMS Important Dates:
- 6th December 2024 - Online Christmas Prize Draw
- 25th January 2025 - Just Love Boogie Night with the Ganchos
Second Hand Uniform & Book Sales
FoRMS Second Hand Uniform and Book Sale dates (Held at school in the Dining Hall: 9.30 - 11.00am):
- Saturday 9th November 2024
- Saturday 25th January 2025
- Saturday 22nd March 2025
- Saturday 26th April 2025
- Saturday 14th June 2025
- Saturday 12th July 2025
Additionally, we are on site (during term time) every Monday morning at first break (10.20 - 10.40am) for students to purchase or collect items. Parents can email with enquiries. Payment is by CASH or CHEQUE only (made payable to ROBERT MAYS PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION with student name and tutor group on reverse).
In order for us to maintain a good supply of stock, we are always very grateful for donations of RMS logo uniform for the 2nd hand sales. Bagged donations can be left at the school reception at any time. We politely request that items are in a clean, saleable condition and please ensure that the bag is labelled “uniFORMS 2nd hand donation”. Unfortunately we are unable to take skirts/trousers or footwear.
FoRMS fundraising while shopping!
Easyfundraising can turn your everyday online shopping into donations to FoRMS. Your purchase must start from the easyfundraising site, following a link to shop with over 7,000 brands such as M&S, Tesco, John Lewis, Moonpig, Trainline and more. The brands then pay easyfundraising a commission for redirecting you to their site, and it is this commission that turns into a donation for us. There is no extra cost to you.
To find out more about how it works, click here
Please register using this link:
Once you’ve signed up and raised £5 in donations, easyfundraising will give us an extra £5 donation! There’s no catch or hidden charges and everything raised goes to supporting our children at school.
Hart Lottery Tickets
Hart Lottery tickets cost just £1 each per week, with 60p of that going straight back into good causes. (This compares to just 28p of every £1 contributed by the National Lottery!) 50p of your £1 ticket goes to your chosen good cause, and another 10p goes to the Hart Central Fund (for the Chairman's annual charities). Each ticket has a 1 in 50 chance of winning a prize every week. This includes an incredible £25,000 jackpot prize if all six numbers are matched, as well as various other cash prizes. The Hart Lottery draw takes place at 8pm every Saturday
Visit our page -
FORMS is affiliated to the registered charity, Robert May's PTFA. Our registration number is 1125026