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Transition into Year 7
Welcome message from Associate Assistant Headteacher - Head of Key Stage 3
As the Head of Key Stage 3, it is my pleasure to welcome you and your parents/carers to our school. My role is to oversee your wellbeing and progress throughout your time with us. We expect you to feel both nervous and excited about joining us, which is absolutely normal and to be expected as you prepare to move schools. Many students feel this way every year, but once they are here, they quickly settle in and make new friends. I will be in close contact and working in partnership with your Head of Year, teachers and parents/carers during the next few years to help ensure your time with us is happy and you reach your full potential.
Robert May’s is a unique school which is underpinned by our clear values and expectations for everyone. Students here show Respect for each other and themselves, they Motivate themselves to be their best and Support each other with kindness. By following ‘The Robert May’s Way’ I am sure you too will make great progress, achieve your goals and have a great time along the way.
Ahead of you is a wonderful opportunity, as you embark on a new chapter in your life. I would encourage you to take part in the wide range of extra-curricular activities at Robert May’s and seize the opportunities available. There is certainly something for everyone here and it is a great way to play a wider role in our school community, make lots of new friends and develop your confidence. In your first week you will meet your teachers, make new friends and start to find your way around your new school. This can be daunting but please don’t worry. You will have your Form Tutor, teachers, Head of Year and myself who will all be there to help and guide you along the way.
I am really looking forward to getting to know each one of you and having the opportunity to celebrate all of your achievements, of which there will be many!
I wish you every happiness and success during your 5 years at Robert May’s School.
Mrs A Ellison
Associate Assistant Headteacher, Head of Key Stage 3
Welcome Videos
Transition Timeline
During Years 5 and 6 we work closely with our partner primary schools to ensure that the transition from primary to secondary is as smooth as possible. There is a dual focus on both pastoral and academic transition which happens as follows:
Induction Days
We invite all new Year 7 students to two days of Induction at the end of June. The programme for the two days includes assemblies with their new Head of Year and members of the Senior Leadership Team, plus lessons designed to introduce many of the school departments and the type of work Year 7 students will be doing in September.
Year 7 Parents’/Carers’ Information Evening
All parents and carers of our new Year 7 students are invited and expected to attend an information evening at the end of June. This provides an opportunity to hear about the school, its daily routine and programme of studies, what we have to offer your child over the next five years and how best you can help. There will be an opportunity at the end of the evening to meet with senior staff and ask questions as well as to discuss the laptop scheme planned for September 2025.
Transition Extra
All new Year 7 students are invited to attend Transition Extra which is a two day Summer School that takes place at the end of the Summer Holidays. Transition Extra gives students the opportunity to get to know the school, some of their teachers and their fellow students a bit better when the school is quiet and there are no students in other years on site. This helps them to settle in really quickly and happily once they start school in September.
Transition Extra is delivered by Robert May’s School teachers/staff and is a mixture of some fun and engaging lessons mixed with enrichment activities (sport, creative, music, drama). There are team building activities and activities designed to familiarise the students with the expectations and routines of secondary school life. Students will get the chance to meet new friends from other schools so that they have a range of familiar faces when they start school is September.
Please scroll down the page to find a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
English |
In Year 7 English, you can expect to encounter new poetry, prose and drama and have some opportunities for creative writing. We will also brush up your literacy skills and support you in finding new texts to read for pleasure, with the help of our library, librarian, and fortnightly reading lessons. Your lessons will involve group discussion, debate, online collaborative work using laptops, and project work. During these lessons you will start to put down a foundation of important skills for future study. We can’t wait to meet you and get you started on your English journey! |
English Webpage |
Maths |
We will cover a range of different topics from number skills, to shapes and space, algebra, data, graphs and constructions. We will be working on your maths fluency as well as developing your problem solving skills. Your Times Table knowledge is still really important and once a week you will use your knowledge to compete in Numeracy Ninjas! |
Maths Webpage |
Science |
During your first year of Science at Robert May’s School you will develop into able scientists capable of questioning, predicting, testing, concluding and evaluating your own scientific investigations and experiments for the following topics: Particles, Cells, Speed, Waves, Metals and Non-Metals, Current, Interdependence, Energy Transfers, Forces, Variation, Voltage and Resistance, Separating Mixtures. |
Science Webpage |
Art |
You will be taught one lesson of Art each week. Over the course of the year you’ll complete four different projects, one each half term. Project 1: Drawing - Don’t worry if you struggle to draw, you’ll be given lots of advice. You’ll try lots of ways to make marks with your pencil, use simple shapes to construct a drawing and learn how to use shading to make objects look solid. Project 2: Painting - You’ll learn lots of new painting techniques and study the work of Vincent Van Gogh. He will help inspire you to create a landscape painting. Project 3: Clay - You’ll learn how to make a pinch pot and develop this into a clay monster. Project 4: Printing - You will learn about creating zentangles and develop your work into digital art and then poly printing. |
Art Webpage |
Computer Science |
Year 7 students will learn the following during their first year at Robert May's School:
Computer Science Webpage |
Drama |
We cover six main topics during your Drama lessons in Year 7: Topic 1: Introduction to Drama - we will learn some basic drama techniques and will work in groups to create short performances. Topic 2: Melodrama - we will learn about stock characters and create over-exaggerated mimed performances using them. Topic 3: Improvisation - we will look at spontaneous and rehearsed improvisation using prompts to create both short and long-form improvisation. Topic 4: Devising - we will explore how to create a performance using non-naturalistic acting conventions. Topic 5: Scripted Drama - we will explore how to use a script, learn lines, identify stage directions, block a scene and develop character. Top 6: The Tempest - we will work as a whole class to develop and perform an ensemble physical theatre piece based on the opening scenes of The Tempest. As a department we aim to create a safe environment that will help you build confidence and communication skills by working as a part of a team. Each year we put on regular after school activities that lead up to a final performance: September-December: Whole school Musical Theatre performance January-March: House Performing Arts (an inter-house competition where students show off their performance skills to raise money for their house charities) January-July: Essence Theatre Showcase (a project that each year looks to broaden students’ experiences of different styles of Drama) |
Drama Webpage |
Food & Nutrition |
In Year 7 you will usually have one term (One Module) of Food & Nutrition as part of a rotation system within the Technology Department. The rotation system means that you can have your Food Module in the Autumn, Spring or Summer term. Our main aim as a Food Department is to ensure that you grow to enjoy preparing and cooking food to share with your friends and family. As a Year 7 student you will be taking part in practical and theory lessons. The theory lessons will ensure that you are safe and understand the principles of good nutrition, food choices, food hygiene and basic food science. In the practical lessons you will make a selection of savoury and sweet dishes, using a variety of skills techniques and equipment. |
Food & Nutrition Webpage |
Geography |
In the Geography department we want to find out about our world, for example, why are some countries richer or poorer than other countries? Why do some villages grow into megacities and some stay with just a few houses? Why do some areas have completely different plants and animals than other areas? Why are there no penguins or giant pandas living in Odiham? What are humans doing that affects the environment and what can be done to change the way we live to cause less damage to the planet? It is up to ALL of us to make the world a slightly better place than we found it...so...are you ready to ask questions? Are you ready to learn about people, the natural world and our surroundings? You will have two geography lessons each week. We will start with a world book project and see what information you can get sent to you from as many different places around the world as possible, to produce an amazing book of memories. We will learn about the UK (you will be one of the few people who knows the difference between the British Isles, the UK and Great Britain!). We will study population; how settlements develop and change over time; why people migrate and the benefits and problems of migration. We will study Japan and how this fascinating country has become one of the wealthiest countries in the world. We will learn about reading and using maps and about different ecosystems like the tropical rainforests. In the Summer term, we invite a company called Zoolab to come into our geography lessons. They bring in some animals that live in different ecosystems and we can then see how they are adapted to survive in different conditions. You can even hold some of the animals if you want to! |
Geography Webpage |
History | In Year 7 in History we take a journey through some of the key events between 1066 and 1603. We start with a look at migration to the British Isles over the last 2,000 years, including Celts, Romans, Vikings, Anglo-Saxons, Normans, Jewish Migration, European Migration, Hugeuenots, Irish and Windrush. Moving on we study the Norman Conquest and the importance of Normans to English History, and even its impact today. We will also look at key people throughout History, such as Thomas Becket & King John, as well as key events (for example The Black Death) and key changes to society (Castles). This is followed by an exploration of the West African Kingdoms during the Middle Ages, before finally moving onto the War of the Roses and the Tudor period, covering all the monarchs and key events. | History Webpage |
Languages |
You will learn ONE language at Robert May’s School in Year 7: French, German or Spanish. We will cover the following topics: Family and Friends, Hobbies, Town and School. The language skills you will be applying, developing and continually using are the use of phonics, nouns, adjectives, verbs in the present tense, opinions and reasons, connectives, time adverbs and qualifiers. |
Languages Webpage |
Music |
All of the music lessons at Robert May's are practical so you will get the opportunity to play a variety of instruments in lessons. We want you to become really confident at playing music as part of a group performance. We will look at the following topics:
Extra curricular clubs: School Production, RMS Orchestra, RMS Singers, Musical Theatre Group, Brass Ensemble, String Group, Folk Group, Jazz Band, Keyboard Club, Open Mic Club and Music Theory. Instrumental and vocal lessons are also available: flute, clarinet, saxophone, cornet, trumpet, trombone, tuba, violin, viola, cello, double bass, keyboard or piano, guitar (acoustic/electric/classical or bass) and drums. There is a charge for these lessons. Ask your parents to contact school for more details if you are interested in learning a specific instrument. |
Music Webpage |
Physical Education |
Our main aim as a PE department is to ensure that you grow to enjoy PE. We want it to be a subject that you are enthused about and a lesson that you can’t wait to get to! We aren’t necessarily interested in finding the best netball or football player; we want our students to develop key skills, both sport specific and also life skills that will help you in other situations potentially away from a PE setting, for example, teamwork and communication skills. In Year 7 you will take part in a range of physical activities across the year. Each sporting activity will be taught over a two week block which is the equivalent of six lessons. All students should expect to take part in the following activities: football, hockey, rugby (boys), tag-rugby (girls), netball, basketball, badminton, table tennis, gymnastics, dance, OAA, fitness, tennis, cricket, rounders and athletics. Some of these you will revisit twice across the year. Lessons may look slightly different for some activity areas, but as a whole you will look at learning and developing skills that you will then attempt to transfer into a game situation. At Robert May’s we pride ourselves on providing a huge range of after school activities for our students. Some of the clubs that you can expect to see are: football, basketball, contact rugby, badminton, table tennis, netball, hockey, running club, trampolining, dance, athletics, rounders, cricket and tennis. You can find a list of clubs on the Extra Curricular webpage here |
PE Webpage |
Religious Education |
In Year 7 in Religious Education you will learn: Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term |
RE Webpage |
Technology |
In Year 7, you will rotate between three different subjects which are Design & Technology, Engineering and Food & Nutrition. Each subject allows you to design, develop and, most importantly, make. We want you to be happy, safe and enthusiastic when coming to our lessons. You will have approximately one term in each subject in both Year 7 and Year 8. There will be twenty students in your Technology class, a mix of students from different tutor groups. Each of the Technology subjects has its own specialist teaching rooms and teaching staff. All students will have the same opportunities throughout the first two years at Robert May's. You will learn all about CAD (Computer Aided Design) and you will be given the chance to work on most of our big machines and equipment. Each subject in Technology is similar but different. You will be designing and you will be making but what you finish with will be very different in each subject. In Design & Technology you will be introduced to CAD and your practical work will centre around our new suite of 3D printers. You will also spend a lot of time designing and coming up with creative answers. You will spend several weeks learning the basics of 3D design using our special CAD programme called Fusion 360. Once you have the basics in place you will move on to producing your own design-work. You will make lots of prototypes (models) before you move onto the 3D printers which will make your design accurate to less than 0.1mm. You will then finish (file, drill, sand, etc.) and assemble the parts. Over the first two years, you will be working in wood, metal and plastics. Last year, the students chose to make fidget spinners. Engineering is a bit like Design & Technology but the focus is on measuring, accuracy and testing - and making. In Year 7, you will work only in metal - aluminium. You will be using over 50 different tools, measuring equipment and machines to make your products. You will then test them to make sure they do their job properly. In Engineering you will be in the ‘heavy’ workshops, making accurate products out of aluminium. The heavy workshops are full of big and heavy equipment and machines. Engineering covers lots of different mini-subjects including: Electronics, CAD/CAM, Mechanisms, Pnuematics, Working with Heat, Modern Materials, etc. The list of technologies that we teach is very long. |
Design & Technology Webpage |
Frequently Asked Questions
Admissions Information
What communications will I receive?
After 3rd March 2025 (National Offer Day), the school will send out several communications to parents/carers regarding their child’s transition to Robert May’s School. By the end of March, the school will have sent an email containing a link to download the Edulink One App and a request to complete a digital registration form for your child. Please refer to this guide to assist you with this. This information is essential in ensuring that we have all the relevant information regarding your child before they start with us in September.
Once communications have been sent, they will contain a link to the communication below. Please take note of all stipulated deadlines to ensure information is received by the school in good time.
Communications that will be sent will include:
A 'Welcome to Robert May’s School' letter from Rea Mitchell, Headteacher.
Information regarding the 'Music lessons' that are available and how to book for these.
Information regarding the 2-day 'Induction Days' that take place on either Monday 23rd/Tuesday 24th June or Wednesday 25th/Thursday 26th June.
Information regarding 'Payments and Financial Assistance' - to include how to request a locker and purchase a maths kit.
Information regarding 'Digital Learning' in Year 7 and the process for ordering a laptop.
A letter regarding the 'New parents’/carers’ information evening' on Tuesday 24th June (from 6pm).
A letter explaining the 'Language choices' available and an online form for completion.
A form titled 'All about me' that Year 6 students are required to complete.
Details regarding the 'Uniform sizing event' that takes place on Thursday 12th June from 4-7.30pm.
Information regarding Transition Extra, our 2 day Summer School on Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th August.
A letter notifying students of their Tutor group.
Information regarding Edulink One / ClassCharts (click here for infographic).
Home to School Transport
What are the arrangements for Home to School transport?
School transport is not organised by Robert May’s School. If your child is eligible for transport to and from school, you will need to apply for a bus pass directly through the Home to School Transport Team at Hampshire County Council. For more information on how to do this, please click here. Further information and FAQs on travel arrangements can be found here.
Please note the deadline for applying is 31st May 2025. Late applications are likely to result in transport not being available in September 2025. This may require you to make your own transport arrangements for the first term of school, even if your child is eligible for statutory transport.
When should we expect to receive bus passes?
Parents/carers will receive an email through the online portal confirming the outcome of their application. As school transport is not organised by the school, we are unable to advise when you will receive your child’s bus pass. If you have any concerns, please contact Hampshire County Council directly on 01962 846924 or complete this online form.
Alternative transport arrangements (Private)
Mortons operate a privately-funded transport service for those students from Basingstoke and the surrounding areas. For further information, please contact Jayne Jackson on 01256 633183 or email jayne.jackson@mortonstravel.co.uk with the child's name, address and a contact number.
Uniform Information
How do I purchase school uniform items?
All information regarding how to purchase new or second hand school uniform and sizing requirements can be found on our school website here. Please ensure you refer to the school expectations on uniform which can be found here.
With regards to PE, students do need to have all the compulsory items and wear them when required. Leggings/training pants and fleeces are optional but as the students are expected to do PE in all weathers, they might be useful for those that feel the cold and for those in sporting teams. Football boots (not metal studs or metal blades) are required for all students for cross country, rugby and football. Astro turf trainers or indoor trainers can be worn both inside and outside so one pair of either means that students can use them on multiple surfaces.
Please note that from the Summer Term (after Easter), students have the option of wearing green polo shirts with the RMS logo.
Please ensure all clothing and equipment is clearly named (forename and surname - not initials). FoRMS: Friends of Robert May's School (formerly PTFA) earns commission on all name labels purchased from Stikins. Our School Fundraising number is 16909. If you place an order, we would be grateful if you could please ensure this number is entered prior to checking out to raise funds for FoRMS.
Please note there will be a Uniform Sizing event at Robert May’s School on Thursday 12th June from 4-7.30pm.
The last date for ordering school uniform via School-shop will be Monday 28th July.
Starting at RMS
How will my child know where to go on their first day?
On the first day of the school term, only Year 7 and Year 11 students will be in school. Year 11 students and members of staff will be on hand to meet your child at the front of school and direct them to the appropriate place. They will all be provided with a map of the school site.
Will my child have a locker?
Students are able to rent a locker at the school to store their belongings. This is optional and will cost £10 per academic year. Priority is given to Year 7 students. Students must provide their own padlock. A communication regarding how to order a locker will be sent to parents/carers in due course. Your child will be notified of the location of their locker once payment has been made and they have started at the school.
What are the lunch arrangements?
Students can purchase food from 1 of the 3 serving locations or bring a packed lunch. The school operates a cashless catering system which uses biometric fingerprint recognition technology. Once parents/carers have consented to the use of biometrics, their child's fingerprint will be taken and a WisePay link code will be emailed home to enable parents/carers to download the WisePay app. Students will pay by using their online account which parents/carers will need to top up in advance. Arrangements to set up your child’s lunch account will be made when they come into school in September. More information can be found on the Catering page of the website. Information regarding WisePay and how to set this up can be found here.
Free School Meals:
We know that having a nutritious meal during the school day is important for children’s health, wellbeing and learning – and we want to ensure that all children who are eligible for free school meals benefit from this scheme. If you think that your child may be entitled to free school meals then you can make an application by following the link via Hampshire County Council here. Further Information on eligibility criteria can be found on the Hampshire County Council website here. Once your application has been approved, the council will inform the school and we can then start providing free school meals for your child. We treat all recipients with complete discretion. Students entitled to Free School Meals will have their daily allowance (currently £3.00) added to their account. However any unused Free School Meal allowance will be removed from the accounts as soon as lunchtime is over.
What time does my child need to be at school?
All students need to be on site for 8.20am each day to get to registration for 8.25am. Please find a link here to the school day timings.
Where can I find the school's key dates and information?
The Robert May’s School website is regularly updated with key information and a Parent bulletin is published on the website and emailed to parents/carers every Friday afternoon. Term dates can be found here.
What if my child loses something at school?
Please ensure all clothing and equipment is clearly named (forename and surname - not initials). Lost property will be taken to Student Reception where students can go to claim items. More information and a list of lost property can be found here.
FoRMS: Friends of Robert May's School (formerly PTFA) earns commission on all name labels purchased from Stikins. Our School Fundraising number is 16909. If you place an order, we would be grateful if you could please ensure this number is entered prior to checking out to raise funds for the PTFA.
How do I pay for my child's school lunch, trips etc?
WisePay is the school’s current online payment facility and is our preferred payment method. More information can be found on the School Payment and Financial Assistance page.
When will I know my child's tutor group/tutor?
You will be notified of your child’s tutor group by the end of the Summer term, as well as further information and messages from the Head of Year team.
When will my child know their timetable?
Timetables will be given to the students on their first day in September.
Transition arrangements for students with SEND
Year 6 students experience a typical day at Robert May’s School during 2 Induction days at the end of June. Additional transition mornings are also arranged with our partner primaries to support a small number of students that might be anxious or have SEND needs. These students are identified by the partner primaries and will have a personal tour of the school and spend time in the Learning Support Department where they meet the Learning Coaches who might be supporting them when they join in Year 7.
Our Learning Support Manager, Mrs Lynne Parker, will be in contact with primary schools regarding students without an EHCP but who are on the SEND register. Please liaise with the SEND team in your child’s primary school as they are there to support you and your child and will work closely with us to ensure we have all the information we need to make that move to secondary school as smooth as possible.
For those students with an EHCP, Mrs Abigail Gray (Director of Inclusion / SENCo) will liaise with the school SENCO to arrange a Transition Partnership Agreement meeting in the summer term.
Please email send@rmays.com to contact the SEN Team.
Home School Communications
Who should I go to if I have a concern about my son/ daughter?
Pastoral concern or query: Your child’s form tutor is your first port of call. Tutors are available to be contacted via email. If you would like to contact a tutor, please email info@rmays.com including the name of the tutor you wish to contact. They will then respond to arrange a convenient date and time.
Academic concern or query: Please contact your child’s subject teacher or Head of Department via email. If you would like to contact a teacher, please email info@rmays.com including the name of the tutor you wish to contact. They will then respond to arrange a convenient date and time.
You can find out more about Home School Communications on the website here.
What can my child do if they are upset or having friendship issues in school?
They can talk to any member of staff, their form tutor or go to the Head of Year office.
What if my child forgets something?
Teachers will be understanding in the early weeks of the term. If they need something important, they should visit Student Reception who may be able to contact home for it to be sent in.
Homework Expectations
How much homework will my child receive?
It is the School’s policy that all students are set homework appropriate to their age and ability. The rationale behind homework assignments is that any extended learning opportunity should be meaningful, enjoyable and support their learning, whilst helping students to develop effective private study habits outside of school. This will encourage our students to become independent enquirers which is one of the key skills needed for further education and the world of work.
As there will be a wide variety of tasks set by teachers, the amount of time students spend on homework will vary, but as a general guide we would expect about 1 - 1.5 hours of additional study per evening in the lower school (KS3), and between 1.5 - 2.5 hours in the upper school (KS4).
You can find more information on Prep and Homework on the website here.
Equipment and Digital devices
What are the rules on mobile phones?
Robert May’s School is a mobile-free zone for students during the school day between 8.20am and 2.50pm (Years 7-9)/2.55pm (Years 10-11). Students' mobile phones must be switched off or on silent mode and placed in bags or lockers during this time. Students may use their phones before or after school. Any student who uses their mobile phone during the school day will have it confiscated for the rest of the day. Students can collect it from the Headteacher’s office at the end of the day. If your child has their phone confiscated for a third time in a term, you will be contacted and asked to collect the phone.
If a student needs to contact home urgently, then they can go to reception.
Please note: the school does not accept liability for mobile phones that are lost, stolen or damaged.
What equipment will be needed?
Students should have a pencil case with pens, a pencil, a sharpener, a rubber, a ruler, colouring pencils, a scientific calculator, a pair of compasses, a protractor and set square and a glue stick. Maths kits/calculators are available to purchase prior to September and these will be handed out to students when they start. Maths kits cost £4.50 and calculators cost £22.50. A communication to parents/carers regarding how to order these will be sent in due course.
At Robert May's School we are committed to providing the best education possible for our students. This includes access to resources that will support learning and develop skills useful in employment and further education. Laptops are a key tool in supporting your child's learning and development. All Year 7 students will be using laptops in all lessons to complete a variety of tasks including note taking, research, coding, composing, design and photography.
In order to ensure that your child can fully engage with the new curriculum we are asking you to purchase a device through Freedom Tech, who give the ability to buy upfront or spread payments over time. A communication detailing further information and FAQs will be sent in due course. Please refer to this page for details regarding the scheme.
My child has already been studying Spanish/French/German and we'd like him/her to continue in Year 7. Is this possible?
A communication regarding language choices will be sent soon. If there is a specific reason for wanting your child to continue with a certain language, please send us an email letting us know what the preferred language would be and the reason for your request. We are not able to guarantee that students will be allocated the language they request but we will do our best to accommodate it. The Year 8 into 9 options process provides an opportunity to study a second language.
Extra Curricular Clubs and Activities
Where can my child find out about Extra Curricular clubs and activities?
Information regarding extra curricular activities can be found on the website here. A link to this is also included in the parent bulletin that is emailed home every Friday. Students are invited to attend as many clubs as they wish. Teams can change so we encourage all students to continue to come along to clubs if they wish to represent the school.
What are the late bus routes?
Students that want to stay for an extracurricular club after school have the opportunity to catch a late bus on Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays, which leaves school at approximately 4.15pm. Bus passes for required days of each term must be purchased in advance through the late bus pass portal.
Click here to see the late bus route and click here to read the late bus service terms and conditions. You can also find this information on the website here.
FoRMS: Friends of Robert May's School
FoRMS (formerly PTFA) is everyone from the families of staff and students to others in our local communities and businesses keen to provide their support. Their purpose is to help enhance the education, enjoyment and wellbeing of every student, every day. Together they organise activities and raise funds for things students would otherwise be without.
FoRMS is always keen to welcome new members to the team. If you would like to find out more, please send an email to secretary@friendsofrms.com. Further information on FoRMS, upcoming events and fundraising opportunities, committee meetings and their second hand uniform sales, can be found here.