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Student Voice
“Every opportunity is harnessed to develop trusting relationships between staff and students, nurturing a sense of belonging and allowing individuals to feel seen and heard.”
Inclusion Quality Mark, Centre of Excellence, 2024
"Student Council members work with leaders to ensure that all pupils have an active voice in the school."
We have an active Student Council who meet regularly to discuss key issues. Students are nominated by their tutor group and receive leadership training. The Student Council is run by the Head Prefect team.
We survey students annually to find out their views about the school.
We were pleased that out of the 463 students that responded to the 2024 annual survey, the overwhelming majority say that:
- They are happy at RMS
- They feel safe at RMS
- They either haven’t been bullied or, on the rare occasions this happens, this has been dealt with quickly and effectively
- They are treated well by their friends
- They feel safe and well-supported by their friends
- They learn well at RMS and know who to talk to if they need help with their learning
- There is someone who they can talk to if they feel unsafe
- They have positive relationships with their teachers and know that their teachers will help them
- They can take part in clubs and activities at RMS
- They are proud to be a student at RMS
Building on the feedback we have received from students, we will:
- Be reviewing the prep (homework) to make sure that it helps students to do well and does not create unnecessary stress
- Increase the cover supervisor team so that there is more chance that the substitute teacher will be known to the student
Results of the student surveys. We were happy that:
- The vast majority of respondents are happy at the school
- The vast majority of respondents feel safe at the school and know who to talk to if they feel unsafe
- The vast majority feel that any issues of unkindness are dealt with quickly and effectively
- The vast majority of respondents have good relationships with friends and feel safe with friends
- The vast majority of respondents say they can learn well at the school
- The vast majority of respondents say their teachers help them to do well
- The vast majority of respondents think the clubs and activities programme offers something for them
- The vast majority of respondents are proud to come to this school
- The vast majority of students know that the RMS character values are a crucial part of being an RMS student
- The vast majority of students are proud to come to RMS
Building on the feedback we have received, this year we have:
- Set up new student voice groups
- Created initiatives to celebrate diversity and promote tolerance
- Improved communication of key safeguarding messages
- Funded access to the late bus
Student Council - You Said, We Did!
School Council - You-said, we did! January 2025School Council - You said, we did! March 2023