Robert mays school 18
Student Admissions
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Student Admissions

Thank you for your interest in Robert May’s School. We are extremely proud of our ethos, which is characterised by an unfailing belief that all students can succeed in their chosen paths and that each person in the learning community is capable of achieving excellence every day in whatever they do. 

Robert May's School is an academy. The Academy Trust is the admission authority for the school and works closely with the school admissions team at Hampshire County Council. The School's published admission number (PAN) is 270 which is made up of 268 Mainstream and 2 Resourced Provision (RP) places. The RP places can only be allocated to those students with an EHCP for Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC).

Main Round Applications

Please use this link to make an application for a place at Robert May’s School when transferring from Primary to Secondary School (Year 7 September 2025). Alternatively you can visit the school to request a paper copy. Key information regarding applying for a secondary school place can be found here. Please also click here to access 'A parent's guide to applying for a school place'.

Please visit this page to view the key dates for main round admissions. 

Please note, the Admissions Policy 2026-2027 contains a criterion for Service Pupil Premium. Should this apply, please ensure you also complete a Supplementary Information Form when submitting your application for a place at the school. 

In-Year Applications

Please use this link to make an in-year application for a place at Robert May’s School. Alternatively you can visit the school to request a paper copy. Applications will be processed as quickly as possible. We aim to respond to you in writing within 10 school days, but you will be notified in writing within 15 school days. If a place is available, we will contact you to arrange a tour and subsequent start date. Your child will be expected to start within four school weeks from the offer date. If we are unable to offer a place, then you will receive a refusal letter and your child's name will be added to our waiting list.

Please note that the admission limit for current Years 7 and 8 is 280.

To make an in-year application for Years 8 - 11 for September 2025, please submit an application from 1st May 2025. These applications will be considered from 9th June 2025.

Admission to the Resourced Provision (RP)

The Resourced Provision at Robert May's School is a designated base for a small number of students with complex social communication difficulties / autistic spectrum disorders. The Resourced Provision has been established for 12 students across all 5 year groups (1 or 2 students in each year), and is a Hampshire County Council run provision. 

To apply for a place in the Resourced Provision, students must have:

  • a statement of special educational needs with the primary area of need being a severe and complex social communication difficulty / autistic spectrum disorder;
  • the student having broadly age-appropriate attainments in one or more National Curriculum subjects;
  • the student's ability to attend 95% of mainstream classes with their wider peer group;
  • the need for a supportive specialist environment to maintain continuing access to a mainstream curriculum.

The process to apply for a place in the Resourced Provision is different from the application to join Robert May's School. Applications for the Resourced Provision are made directly to Hampshire County Council and successful placements are determined directly by Hampshire.

More information on who is eligible to apply can be found here. Students who attend Robert May's School but do not have a Resourced Provision place do not have access to the Resourced Provision space.

Admissions Policies

You can find our Admissions Policies on the Policies page. Please refer to the policy for the academic year for which you are applying. For example, applications for entry during the academic year 2024-2025 should refer to the 'Admissions Policy 2024-2025'.

Please note, the Admissions Policy 2026-2027 contains a criterion for Service Pupil Premium. Should this apply, please ensure you also complete a Supplementary Information Form when submitting your application for a place at the school. 

Catchment Area

We regularly take several students from out of our catchment area. To view the catchment area for Robert May's School, please click here

Home to School Transport

Hampshire County Council organises free transport to and from school for eligible students living within the catchment area for Robert May's School. If you are eligible for transport, it is the parents' responsibility to apply and to do so by the deadline. For the school year 2025-26, applications open from 3rd March and close on 31st May 2025. To check eligibility for transport assistance or to contact the Transport Team, please click here

Mortons Travel operates a private bus for Robert May's students from Basingstoke and the surrounding area. Please email Jayne Jackson: or telephone 01256 633183 for further information on this service.


If we are unable to offer a place at Robert May’s School, your child will automatically be added to the waiting list. You have the right to appeal the decision. The Independent Appeals Service manages appeals for Robert May's School. Please click here to make an admissions appeal.

Admission appeals dates for entry in September 2025 for the Year 6 applicants are available to view here.

Contact Form - Admissions

Contact Form - Admissions