Robert mays school 9
Lost Property
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Lost Property

At Robert May’s School we do our best to reunite lost property with its rightful owner.

Please name all student property. A message will be sent to students and parents/carers when we find a named item, so that the student can come to reception to collect it. Please ensure your child collects lost property promptly as we have limited storage and are unable to hold items indefinitely.

Sadly, much of the lost property found at school is unnamed. To see a list of unnamed lost property items we are currently holding please open the link below, we do our best to keep this up-to-date. If your child has lost something that is not listed, please ask them to retrace their footsteps at school, ask their teachers and also visit reception to see if it has been handed in.

If you recognise an item on the list please ask your child to come to reception either before school, during either breaktime or after school to collect.

Please note:

  • Jewellery and valuable items are not included on this list. Please enquire and provide a description of any such items at Reception.
  • Items below are available on a first-served basis.
  • Named items have not been included on this list. We will email parents and students separately about lost items that arrive in Reception named.
  • Items not collected after the 'held until' date will be donated to FORMS (if they are uniform items) or Charity (if they are non uniformed items)

Date Logged Description Will be held until
22/02/2025 Black drawstring bag containing PE Shorts, Polo Shirt, Fleece and a single Adidas trainer size 5 24/03/2025
22/02/2025 Entire clean PE kit in black drawstring bag - PE trousers/jersey/fleece/socks, dark blue trainers with light blue stripes (size 3), blue shin pads and a mouth guard 24/03/2025
28/02/2025 Dark blue "oppo" phone, wrap around case - multicoloured owl 18/03/2025
28/02/2025 Entire PE kit in black addidas sports bag - PE shorts/jersey/fleece/socks, nike trainers, school jumper 24/03/2025
28/02/2025 Pair of bright yellow astro trainers in black nike bag. Marked with names "Foster" and "Green". 24/03/2025
04/03/2025 Black M&S lace up school shoes size 8.5 18/03/2025
07/03/2025 Basketball in black drawstring bag - unnamed 24/03/2025
10/03/2025 Single Black Trainer size 10 - Boost brand 24/03/2025
11/03/2025 Black addidas trainers size 6.5 24/03/2025
11/03/2025 Black drawstring PE bag containing PE Polo Shirt, PE Shorts & white shin pads 24/03/2025
13/03/2025 Black Puma boot bag containing boots and PE kit left on the bus 24/03/2025
17/03/2025 RMS Green Jumper size 36 - red paint stain on the sleeve 31/03/2025
17/03/2025 White Nike Trainers size 5 - Give description for collection 31/03/2025