Robert mays school 12
School Uniform
Robert mays school 10
School Uniform
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School Uniform

“There is a strong sense of belonging here.”

Inclusion Quality Mark, Centre of Excellence, 2024

At Robert May's, we take pride in our smart school uniform as it ensures that all students feel like they are an equal part of the RMS community, as well as encouraging a professional mind-set in their approach to learning.

Uniform List

Uniform List 2024-25

Uniform Expectations Infographic: 2024-25

School Uniform Infographic 2024 25

Uniform Shop

To purchase new Robert May's School uniform items, please use the website link below:
(If it doesn't open on the RMS page, you can use the “find my school” text box to navigate to the Robert May's page).

Second Hand Uniform Sales

Our PTFA team is called 'Friends of Robert May's School'. They run many second hand uniform and book sales throughout the year. Please visit their page using the link below:

Friends of RMS

For our full 'Uniform Policy' please go to our Policies Page