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Careers Week

From Monday 4th March to Friday 9th March, it was National Careers Week and so to coincide, we ran an RMS Careers Week.
Careers assemblies took place across the week for all year groups, and teachers brought careers specifically into their subject lessons. These ranged from how certain roles link to their subjects to more general careers information such as information on T Levels, apprenticeships or university.
There have also been some careers-related trips and events during the past two weeks. On 14th March, we took 24 Year 10 students to the NHS Trust in Winchester where they were given a mixture of presentations and hands-on activities. One of the themes that came across was the range of different roles within the NHS – over 350 across clinical and non-clinical.
The NHS is Europe’s biggest employer with 1.5 million people working for them! Like all large companies, there are numerous roles that are not specifically linked to clinical roles - these include plumbers, accountants, drivers, security, project managers, receptionists and many more.
Last week, we welcomed a barrister to RMS to speak to the Year 10s. This was a fascinating insight into jobs at the Bar and he took students through the qualifications that you need (you don’t need a law degree!), the different specialities within law in the UK, as well as how different careers can map out for those interested in working as a solicitor or barrister.
We have also welcomed the Money Charity into Year 8 Maths classes where we look at the Savvy Consumer. Here students got to find out how to look after their finances, including what type of bank accounts are suitable for certain situations and how banks make their money. For students who have not had this session yet, we will be running more after Easter.
For more information on careers and useful links, please see our Careers and Post-16 pathways page