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Ask a Visitor

On Friday 25th November, we held our annual Ask a Visitor event.
Five volunteers from the local community come in to speak to our Year 8 about their careers. The purpose of the session was two-fold; taking in an interviewing process and looking in depth at two careers paths.
A couple of students from each group met their guest for the first time in the reception area before escorting them to the interview room. Different students from each group then escorted our visitors to a different room for a second interview and returned them to reception at the end. We also discussed with students the fact that it is important to be courteous and professional from the first moment you meet an interviewer or interviewee.
Students had planned some careers questions for our guests. It was a useful insight for our students and the first time that many of them will have thought about how people are interviewed. What was interesting to watch was the way students listened to what our guests were saying and responded with follow up questions. The feedback from our volunteers was incredibly positive and students, teachers and volunteers all involved enjoyed the sessions.
I would like to thank our volunteers for giving up their time to enhance our students’ careers understanding. If you would like to be part of our volunteer group, please contact me on aidan.peake@rmays.com