Year 7 Tri-Service Days

On Thursday and Friday this week we welcomed members of the three services, the Army, Navy and RAF who came into Robert May’s School to run some activities for our Year 7s.
We were blessed with great weather for both days and students worked well through the heat.
These activities tested the students’ teamwork, leadership, resilience and communication skills. The activities were physical problem-solving tasks where students worked in teams to solve the puzzles.
Activities included:
working in teams to pass students through a rope spiders web which was a few feet off the ground
building a 6-foot high, free standing transmission tower with transmitters on top
working out how to get from large blocks using planks that were not long enough to reach
guiding blindfolded students through a maze using only communication skills
building an obstacle course.
Our students were fantastic and really threw themselves into the days. Our thanks go to the Services for providing so many personnel over the two days.