Duke of Edinburgh Celebration Evening

Celebration Evening for Bronze & Silver DofE 2024
It was wonderful to share in the success of over 100 students who have achieved their Bronze and Silver DofE Awards. We and the whole staff team were so proud of every single student's achievement. We have estimated that everyone on the expedition walked a total of 5000 km over all the expeditions! Whilst we think of DofE as the expedition it is so much more than that. For the Physical section students participated in a vast array of sports and activities from Dance to Rugby and even Parkour. For the Skills section students have learnt life skills such as cooking, languages and British Sign Language. For the final section students have to volunteer and so many of them chose to do this in school or the local community which is amazing. They clocked up a total of 1781 hours of support and it was wonderful to celebrate the impact these students have had.
Bronze Award Training Sessions & Expedition dates 2024
After Half Term the remaining Bronze students are to attend their Monday after school training sessions to get ready for the expedition.
Then after Easter training for the practical aspects of the Expedition starts on a rota. The information for this will be sent out before the end of term.