Sports Champions of the Year!

On Thursday evening the PE department held their annual Sports Champions of the Year Awards night.
This is a chance to showcase the hard work and celebrate the talent and successes of our students both inside and outside of the classroom. With 43 winter teams, 23 summer teams, along with countless students who have been hardworking, dedicated and incredible both inside and outside of lessons; shortlisting for these awards has to have been the hardest to date.
We would like to thank Alex Danson, MBE, for joining us this year as our guest speaker. She was an absolute inspiration to everyone in the room. Speaking about how key the journey is to success, from her failure at London 2012 Olympics to the complete elation of winning Olympic Gold at Rio 2016! She instilled in us that failure is inevitable in sport but it is being able to fail fast and move on that will help to drive you closer to your goals. She also highlighted that being part of a team is the most incredible feeling, that sense of belonging and knowing your role within the team is what she loved most. With the willingness to work hard and be dedicated to your goal, along with the focus to be that little bit better everyday is the key to success.
Congratulations to all of the nominees and award winners of #SCOTY2023. We would also like to say 'Thank You' to all students for their continued support and commitment to all things sport at Robert May’s School. We also want to thank all of the parents that continue to support us year on year!
Here are your winners for 2023:
Winter Team of the Year | Year 7 Boys Football Team |
Summer Team of the Year | Year 7 & 8 Boys Track and Field Cup Team |
KS3 Extra curricular Player of the Year | Lara S and Orlando DLCR |
KS4 Contribution | Ava B and James T |
Curriculum Time Award | Charlie B |
Games Ambassadors | Jessica W, Ava B, Natsune S, Luke S, Spencer F, Darcey L, Nina VN, Imogen M, Maddie W, Poppy W, Bethan M, Emma T, Zack SB and Lara S |
House Cup (Sports Day Only) |
Chinook House |
Liz Jukes Lifetime Achievement Award | Hannah S and Owen S |
Elite Performer Award | Kitty S |