Get Inspired Careers Fair

On Tuesday 8th February and Wednesday 9th February we took 120 Year 9 students to the Get Inspired Careers Fair in Basingstoke.
They were able to speak to a range of local and national employers across a variety of sectors including computing, engineering, the NHS, SCL Sport, utilities, building and surveying, the air ambulance, trucks and the charity sector.
A lot of the stalls had interactive games and tasks for the students to engage with and our students really bought into the event. A number of stall holders said how polite our students were and how well they spoke when interacting with the stallholders.
The purpose of the day was to broaden the careers horizons of the students and spark an interest in the potential local jobs that will be available to them when they leave RMS. Students spoke to me afterwards about companies and industries they had never seen or thought about before. The buzz on the minibuses back to school was wonderful.
As always we were hugely oversubscribed for this event and we would like to thank parents and students for their enthusiasm and support. Apologies to those that missed out this time - there will be more Careers events coming up.