F1 in Schools - Regional Finals

On Thursday 13th February, our two F1 in Schools teams travelled to Harlow to compete in the Regional finals.
There were 32 teams competing in this 14-19y.o. STEM challenge. This year we fielded two teams. Echo competed in the Development Class and our more experienced Y10 team, Atomic, moved up into the Professional class for the first time.
Both teams had to provide a fully branded and sustainable display, along with three portfolios, several interviews, a verbal presentation and a racing car manufactured to exacting standards.
They won pretty much everything.
Both teams had the fastest car in their class, were nominated for outstanding quality in various areas and both teams finished on top of the podium.
I have been looking back at our 21-year F1 in Schools records and the only other time we have completed a 1st-1st victory was in 2014. That was the year our team, Colossus, went on to lift the world title by the largest winning margin ever. Both Echo and Atomic now move on to the National Finals in March.