Lenovo Visit - Year 9

On Tuesday this week we were lucky enough to be invited to Lenovo for the day so some of our Year 9 students could see the running of a global business from the inside.
The students were given a presentation on how the corporation started and how it has developed into the company it is now. They met several people in the office across a variety of different roles and found out what those roles do.
We then spent some time looking at the technology that had been created over the years at Lenovo and some of the newest tech and the direction the company is going. They were then asked to design a new piece of technology that would be useful in the future and present their findings and reasons to a group of Lenovo employees.
The students were amazing. They really engaged with the day and the activities and their presentations at the end of the day surprised the audience with their foresight and creativity.
We are working hard to provide more of these events going forward. If you work for a company that could provide opportunities for our students to visit your workplaces, please contact me on the e-mail address below. We would love to hear from you. Also, if you think students would like to hear about your jobs and the business you work in, please get in touch.
Mr Aidan Peake, Post-16 Pathways Leader aidan.peake@rmays.com